@ Nitty-Gritty:
"I have a pdf file of a 1913 WT where it clearly says that they were expecting something big to happen in 1914."
It was around 1905 that Russell started losing faith in his complicated 40 year social Armageddon and started saying that there would be a "final windup" where everything that he said would happen would finally happen shortly before or shortly after 1914.
Keep in mind that he had a lot of secondary prophecies within that 40 year period whose dates he kept changing as the years kept proving him wrong. The fall of Babylon the Great was supposed to happen on several different years according to the predictions of succeeding editions of his books and he would even remeasure the sacred pyramid in order to keep all his prophecies in tact.
What happened in 1914 was the opposite of what he predicted in the 1880s where he stated that there would be no outbreak of war especially in Europe. Such a war would contradict his social Armageddon where anarchy and fratricide between people in the world would bring about the dissolution of the world.
A world war would have interrupted his complex predictions since war would require a cohesive society (no anarchy) and would result in a victor. Russell did not believe that there would be any victors in his Armageddon. No nation would have the organization to wage a war if they all are disintegrating into chaos.
As for 1914, that was supposed to be the beginning of the Millennium.